Report: Optimizing The Global Fund Resources

This report presents the results of the survey on experiences and opinions regarding the processes and arrangements supported by the Global Fund in the LAC Region. It was launched jointly by the LAC constituency and the HTCG (Horizontal Technical Cooperation Group) with the intention of contributing to harmonize and optimize regional coordination structures.

The specific objectives of this quanti-qualitative survey were:

I.- To assess the transition processes taking place in the Region taking into consideration the different dimensions established by the Global Fund itself in order to ensure it is inclusive, including both programmatic and financial considerations.

II.- To assess the sustainability of the response at country and regional level, taking into
consideration the provision of prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment services.

III.- To assess the functioning and implementation of those mechanisms supported by the GF in the Region.

The survey was undertaken through a structured self-applied electronic questionnaire (between March and April 2019) and in-depth interviews with 10 key selected reporters, considered to be relevant actors in response to the three diseases in the LAC Region.

The executive summary is available here.
