Statements by the Inspector General and by the Chair of the Board

Fuente: web del Fondo Mundial

04 August 2014

Martin O’Malley, Inspector General of the Global Fund, made the following statement today:

Dear Global Fund Colleagues, Partners and Friends:

It is with deep sadness and regret that I inform you of my decision to resign as Inspector General of the Global Fund. I am doing so for personal reasons, and it has not been an easy decision to take.

When I started in mid-2013, I had every intention of serving a full six-year term and making a contribution to the mission of the Global Fund. I find the work of the Global Fund fascinating, absorbing and noble. It has been a distinct pleasure, and an honor, to design and implement a new way of working to the Office of the Inspector General. My greatest satisfaction has been building a team of talented and committed investigators and auditors to carry out the mission of this Office. In my career, I have never worked with people as committed, and determined, to positively affect the lives of millions of people affected by AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

In just one year, we have made several significant accomplishments. We have set out a clear plan for selecting and conducting audits and investigations. We have established a streamlined system for engaging all of our stakeholders and reporting our findings and conclusions. We have cleared a backlog of dozens of legacy investigations that needed to be closed. Perhaps most important, we have established a new way of working with our colleagues in the Secretariat, preserving our commitment to independent decision-making and finding room for collaboration with colleagues so that we can achieve the common goals of assurance that grant money is used effectively, and that problems can be anticipated, detected and dealt with in an effective manner.

Our efforts have been successful, I believe, because of the tremendous support from the Board leadership, the Audit and Ethics Committee, the Secretariat and the staff of the Office of the Inspector General. I have learned and grown from them personally and professionally and I am deeply grateful to all.

I wish I could continue in this role, and accomplish even more in years to come. For personal reasons, I must do otherwise. When I took on the position last year, I believed that working in Geneva while my wife pursued a new career in Brussels would be manageable. In fact, it has been more difficult than I envisaged. At this stage in our lives, we need to work and live in the same city that can accommodate career aspirations for both of us. That is my sole motivation for resigning.

I have informed our Chair of the Board, Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, that I will continue in my current role for six months to allow the Board to search for a replacement. I will do everything I can to assist in a transition.

I want to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to all of you, for your understanding.


Martin O’Malley

Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, Chair of the Board of the Global Fund, made this statement:

Speaking on behalf of the entire Global Fund family, I want to say how very sad we are to hear from Martin O’Malley of his decision to resign. In just one year, Martin has proved himself exceptional, and has achieved a transformation of the Office of the Inspector General, performing audits and investigations with skill, professionalism and the highest degree of integrity.

The work of the Office of the Inspector General is critical to the success of the Global Fund, and it will continue in a fully independent, transparent and well-resourced way. We will conduct an open and timely process to search for a replacement. We would like to ensure a smooth transition, and Martin has assured me that he will work for the next six months to make the transition a success.

We look forward to cementing the transformative changes in the Office of the Inspector General that Martin has begun, and to making sure that this work will continue and go from strength to strength. When he leaves in six months, he will do so with our great thanks for what he has accomplished and our warm wishes for his professional and personal future.


Dr. Nafsiah Mboi
