Recruitment: Technical Review Panel

Recruitment: Technical Review Panel

The Global Fund Board is currently seeking health care and development professionals to serve on the Technical Review Panel, the independent group of experts that review funding applications. The Global Fund relies on the Technical Review Panel to ensure its investments are strategically focused and aligned to the Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022. Applicants should be

Time to Act on the 2018 TB Commitments

GENEVA – Nearly one year after the first United Nations High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis, the Stop TB Partnership, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the World Health Organization call for immediate action to implement the commitments made by heads of state and governments. Targets that were agreed in the October 2018

Resumen de Informe de la 10ma reunión del Comité de Auditoría y Finanzas

El Comité de Auditoría y Finanzas (AFC) llevó a cabo su 10ma Reunión del 16 al 17 de julio de 2019, en Ginebra, Suiza, y compartieron el siguiente resumen de los temas abordados: Desempeño Financiero: i) El Secretariado compartirá detalles adicionales relacionados a las asignaciones de país, utilización y gastos tomando diferentes mediciones; ii) el Secretariado
